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Grace of Consciousness in Asana: 4 Day Online Retreat

Grace of Consciousness in Asana

"Spirituality is not some external goal that one must seek, but a part of the divine core of each of us, which we must reveal. It is the exploration of nature from the world of appearances, or surface, into the subtlest heart of living matter." BKS Iyengar

Through the intelligent practice of asana, pranayama and the other limbs of yoga the practitioner experiences communication and connection between the outermost layer of the physical body and the innermost core. The ability to internalize the consciousness and to still and then silence the mind is essential.

Join Patricia Walden for this Intermediate/Advanced retreat as she artfully guides us through the inward journey from the surface of the skin to the deepest layer of Self, the spiritual heart. This virtual gathering is designed to bring you the experience of an at-home retreat and connect with the support of community. In this way, we cultivate skills and a mind-state that can nourish and sustain us and deepen our practice.

This retreat is for advanced practitioners with the following requirements:

  • Be able to hold Sirsasana for 5 minutes

  • Sarvangasana for 10 minutes

  • Push up multiple times into Urdhva Dhanurasana and Viparita Dandasana

  • Take care of their own injuries,

  • Have experience with foundational pranayamas (Ujjayi, Viloma I & II) and some experience with digital pranayama

These are a baseline for the retreat and we will be working with variations in inversions and going deeper.

Full retreat: $300 (if registered by July 1st), $350 thereafter
One day pass: $110
NOTE: If you purchase Full retreat, you will automatically be enrolled in each session.
If you are attending for ONE day only, please email which day you plan to attend.

Recordings of asana and pranayama will be available for 4-Weeks

For More Details & Registration visit

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